Club News

Clonmel Juvenile Notes September 2017

Clonmel Juvenile Athletic Club Notes for September 2017 Clonmel Juvenile Athletic Club Notes 25th September Great performances at Kilmacow Cross Country The sun shone on a glorious cross country course at St. Senans Open Sports on Sunday the 24th September and those Clonmel athletes that decided to run will surely reap the rewards of having a race under their

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Clonmel Juvenile Notes December 2017

Clonmel Juvenile Athletic Club Notes 6th December Club’s Annual General Meeting On December 6th we held a very successful Annual General Meeting and the following Management Committee was elected for 2018: Chairman: Conor Fleming Vice Chairman Juvenile: Frank Lynch Vice Chairman Senior: Niall O Sullivan Secretary: Helen Cahill Juvenile Competition Secretary: Robert Whelan Treasurer: Paula

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